
Functional Strength
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Health and fitness fads come and go all the time but unfortunately not all of them are worth your time and effort.

Some of them don’t work, some of them are overhyped and some of them are just plain dangerous.

But ‘functional strength’ is different.

While functional strength is very much in vogue right now, it’s not a ‘fad’ by any means.

In fact, functional strength is the opposite of a fad and it’s a step in the right direction for all of fitness.

That’s because functional strength take it all back: takes it all back to the reasons that most of us started training in the first place.

Or at least the reasons we should be training.


Lessons: 10

Total lenght in hours: 01:02:35

Content (Duration: 00:53:43)

  •    Lesson 1 Free Preview 00:07:45 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 2 00:09:00 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 3 00:07:41 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 4 00:06:58 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 5 00:04:23 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 6 00:04:18 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 7 00:03:43 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 8 00:05:26 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 9 00:06:16 Min(s).
  •    Lesson 10 00:07:04 Min(s).

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