50 Workout Tips
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50 Workout Tips explains how to best train your body in the gym.
Content (Duration: 00:26:37)
- Profile picture
- Leg Extensions Free Preview 00:00:33 Min(s).
- Leg Press Free Preview 00:00:40 Min(s).
- Leg Raises 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Lower Back Raises 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Lunges 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Military Press 00:00:28 Min(s).
- Oblique Crunches 00:00:32 Min(s).
- Oblique Sit-Ups 00:00:24 Min(s).
- Overhead Triceps Extension 00:00:37 Min(s).
- Preacher Curl 00:00:32 Min(s).
- Pull-Ups 00:00:36 Min(s).
- Push-Ups 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Leg Curls 00:00:35 Min(s).
- Running Treadmill 00:00:26 Min(s).
- Seated Row 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Shoulder Press 00:00:32 Min(s).
- Side Dumbbell Raise 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Single Arm Curl 00:00:33 Min(s).
- Sit-ups Free Preview 00:00:28 Min(s).
- Squats 00:00:37 Min(s).
- Triceps Kickback 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Upright Barbell Rows 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Walking 00:00:25 Min(s).
- Wide Grip Pull-Down 00:00:29 Min(s).
- Dumbbell Press 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Barbell Curl 00:00:36 Min(s).
- Bench Press 00:00:36 Min(s).
- Biking 00:00:25 Min(s).
- Calf Raises 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Chin-Ups 00:00:30 Min(s).
- Close Grip Bench 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Close Grip Lat Pull-Down 00:00:36 Min(s).
- Crunches 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Deadlift 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Decline Bench Press 00:00:35 Min(s).
- Dips 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Dumbbell Flys 00:00:34 Min(s).
- Back Flys 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Dumbbell Shrugs 00:00:31 Min(s).
- Elliptical 00:00:25 Min(s).
- Exercise Bike 00:00:27 Min(s).
- Front Dumbbell Raises 00:00:33 Min(s).
- Incline Bench Press 00:00:27 Min(s).
- Incline Chest Fly 00:00:35 Min(s).
- Incline Dumbbell Press 00:00:36 Min(s).
- Incline Reverse Flys 00:00:44 Min(s).
- Jump Rope 00:00:23 Min(s).
- Jumping Jacks 00:00:38 Min(s).
- Knee Push-Ups 00:00:28 Min(s).
- Runner 00:00:25 Min(s).