
Chess Course - How to win against each type of player
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This is a Chess Course that will teach you and help you beat rated players.


I am an experienced Chess Teacher, welcome to my course, hope you enjoy them and thank you for your support!

Content (Duration: 03:41:18)

  •    How to beat 500-600 rated players – Where they go wrong (part 1) 00:34:54 Min(s).
  •    How to beat 800-900 rated players – Where they go wrong (part 2) 00:38:21 Min(s).
  •    How to beat 1100-1200 rated players – Where they go wrong (part 3) 00:37:07 Min(s).
  •    How to beat 1300-1500 rated players – Where they go wrong (part 4) 00:41:34 Min(s).
  •    How to beat 1600-1700 rated players – Where they go wrong (part 5) 00:29:37 Min(s).
  •    How to beat 2100-2200 rated players – Where they go wrong (part 7) 00:39:45 Min(s).

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  • File(s) 6
  • Languages English
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